I think that maybe the time in between blogs is too long… Maybe it is? But hey, thats the way it is….
We are constantly thinking of whats next. Trying to create. Trying to inspire… Trying to live like we wished we might.
Thats what we've always wanted. What we have always believed in.
The difference now is that we (Blackchords) have created something and you guys have payed attention. You have shown great support So now it is time for us to create once again and we hope to inspire once again. This time though we know its not just for us, its for you too!
This time we will be sharing something with the lot of you, and we do really, really hope it will connect and ring true. I've found my self at times going round in circles and at times coming up against walls that I don't think I will ever pass but recently I've realised that there is an art to it. The art is to know what is real and what is not. To keep going when you feel you've had enough and to engulf yourself with the inspiring world around and not to simply switch off and give in to the sea of distractions that can leave you adrift.
At the same time I know that it is well and good to 'know' something but it is something very different to actually do it….
Well I'll let you know how we are going next week sometime when we are locked away in the middle of nowhere with some guitars, microphones, pens, paper and of course a bottle of scotch!!
Oh another thing is that we think it is about time to do some shows, try some new songs and share in a drink. So if you are in Melbourne please come and share an evening with us during this bitterly cold Melbourne winter!